Sunday, 15 April 2012


Notice inviting tender

Separate sealed tenders in prescribed forms subsequently to be drawn up in F-2 forms are invited from interested eligible registered Civil Contractors/Firms for the following woks ‘Construction of Boundary Fencing’ at KVK Bongaigaon, KVK Golaghat, KVK Dhemaji, KVK Jorhat at the estimated cost of Rs. 14,55,832.00 each. The tenders will be received by the undersigned at AAU Jorhat/Khanapara up to 2.00 p.m on 30.4.12 and will be opened on 3.5.12 at 3.00 P.M. in presence of intending tendered or their representatives in the office of the undersigned. If the office happens to be close on the dates of receiving and opening of Tenders as specified, the tenders will be received and opened on the next working days. Tender documents may be obtained from the office of the undersigned / Executive Engineer, DPP Khanapara by depositing necessary demand draft or cash, w.e.f. 18.4.12 to 23.04.12 during office hours, The tenders may also be down loaded from the AAU’s web site in which case the cost of the tender documents in the shape of A/C payee Demand Draft must be deposited along with the tender.

Sd/-Director of Physical Plant
Assam Agril, University

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