Sunday, 15 April 2012


Northeast frontier railway

Addendum / corrigendum

  1. Tender Notice No. Z93/G/VEHICLE/Pl-III Dated: 09/04/2012
  2. Hiring of AC Light Commercial Vehicle (Indigo, Tavera, Innova, Scorpio or similar) with fuel and Driver for official use of SDCIM, N.F. Rly/MLG fee a period of 2 (Two) years (640 vehicle days)

In response to the above subject the following items may please be read as
  1. Approximate cost Tender value Rs. 5,95,200/- only instead of Rs. 6,05,200.00 only.
  2. the Earnest Money : Rs. 11910/- instead of Rs. 12110

This has the approval of Competent Authority.

Asstt. Dy. General Manager
N.F. Railway

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