Oil India Limited
(A government of india enterprise)
P.O. Duliajan-786602,
Assam, India
No.:91-0374-2800533; E-mail: material@oilindia.in
Oil India limited
invites sealed tenders for the following:
Tender No.
B.C. Date
DIS 5605 P13/TR DT.
S/Super MG 20W50
and S/System-46 or Equivalent
420 Litres &
42,000 Litres
1.0 Bid documents (Non
transferable) can be purchased from 18-04-2012 till one day prior to the
respective B.C. Date on payment of Tender Fee of Rs. 1,000/- per tender only
(excepting PSUs, SSI units and unit registered with NSIC) by Crossed Demand
Draft in favour of M/s Oil India Limited payable at the place of purchase of
tender document from:
Head Materials, Oil India Limited, P.O. Duliajan, Assam-
Head Calcutta Branch, Oil India Limited, 4, India Exchange Place,
Senior Adviser (Contract &Purchase), Oil India
Limited, Plot No. 19, Sector – 16A, NOIDA-201301
Chief Manager Materials (Pipeline), Oil India Limited,
P.O. Udayan Vihar, Guwahati-781171
2.0 Qualifying criteria for issue
of tender documents and other details of tender document will be available in
OIL’s website: www.oil-india.com
B) Oil India Limited invites
Indigenous competitive bid (E-tenders) through its E-Procurement portal: https://etendersrm.oilindia.in/sap/bc/gul/sap/its/bbstart
for following-tender
E-Tender No.
B.C. Date
Description & Quantity
SDI 5658 P13 Dated
07-04—2012 (Single Stage-Two Bid System)
File Tracking
Application showing full
address/email address with Tender Fee (Non refundable) of Rs. 1,000/- (Excepting
PSUs and SSI Units registered with NSIC) in favour of M/s Oil India Limited and
payable at Duliajan is to be sent to Head materials, Oil India Limited, P.O.
Duliajan, Assam-786602 only between 18-04-2012 and one week prior to Bid
Closing date. The envelope containing the application for participation should
clearly indicate “Request for Issue of user ID and password for E-Tender No….”
for easy identification and timely issue of user ID and password. On receipt of
requisite tender fee and subject fulfillment of eligibility criteria of NIT,
user id and initial password will be communicated to the bidder (through email)
and will be allowed to participate in the tender through Oil’s e-procurement
portal. No physical tender documents will be provided. Details of NIT can be
viewed using “Guest Login” provided in the e-Procurement portal. The link to
e-procument portal has been also provided through Oil’s website : www.oil-india.com.
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